Noranda Church - 200 Crimea Street Noranda

Worship Services - Sundays At 9:30am

Sudanese Arabic Services - Sundays At 11:00am


Rest, Grow, Love

We take the words of Jesus seriously: “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Noranda Church of Christ is a community of people who deliberately choose to slow down. Our primary mission is to be a place where people can find Rest from the otherwise all-consuming busyness of the world in which we live. Life is busy enough without church adding to it. We seek to be a people that give the church Rest from heavy religious burdens and excessive church busyness.

Being a place of Rest means Noranda Church gives you the opportunity to Grow. We desire to be a place where spiritual formation occurs not necessarily within ministry, or busyness but outside of it. In small discipleship time, bible studies, the ancient spiritual disciplines and Sunday morning worship.

Consistent with our vision and mission here at Noranda Church, we believe that God equips you and grows you, not primarily so you can do work for the church and its mission, but so that you might Love where you are planted. In the everyday moments of our lives, we are called to love like Christ.

In living like this we seek to be:

A Safe Haven for the Christian community.

Noranda Church of Christ

Church - Without the Busy

Church - Without the Burden


Worship services - Sundays at 9:30am

Sudanese Arabic services - Sundays at 11:00am

200 Crimea Street Noranda

Non-Ambulant Facilities Available


9:30am Worship Service Sermons Will Be Live Streamed On Sundays From 9:45am

To watch or listen to sermons after they have streamed, click on the “SERMONS” tab above.

For all other live streams see the Coming Up page


There is a time and a place for you.

Aside from our regular weekly gatherings, we have a number of significant events through the year.

We will let you know here if anything is coming up.

View COMING UP for more details.